

MTX Connect

MTX Connect: eSIM-Datenplan

MTX Connect is a mobile operator specializing in data services for corporate and individual customers. An expert in multi-network services, MTX Connect offers 3G/LTE mobile data connection in 100+ countries worldwide.

MTX Connect


(1 Bewertungen)

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They call it ‘instant access for 24h’ and start charging right away. But in fact, the instructions or not clear, they don’t react to support request, they don’t inform you that your ID has to be uploaded, they don’t inform you that it has to be reviewed… they don’t, don’t, don’t. What they do? Start charging you without you having internet access. It is a scam.



MTX Connect logoMTX Connect
1They call it ‘instant access for 24h’ and start charging right away. But in fact, the instructions or not clear, they don’t react to support request, they don’t inform you that your ID has to be uploaded, they don’t inform you that it has to be reviewed… they don’t, don’t, don’t. What they do? Start charging you without you having internet access. It is a scam.Roel

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